• aconnic’s sales revenue in the first half of the year amounted to 31.6 mn EUR, 8% lower than in the previous year
  • sales increased in Network Services and Engineering & Managed Supply divisions
  • earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) were 2.1 mn EUR
  • order backlog increased to 49.9 mn EUR
  • new business area Carbon Capturing & Bio-Energy with growth

aconnic AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Munich, publishes financial information for the first half of 2024. aconnic achieved consolidated sales revenues of 31.567 mn EUR in the first half of the year, compared to 34.350 mn EUR in the first half of 2023. This corresponds to a decrease of 8%.

Despite a high order backlog and high demand for network expansion and optimization, installation rates in the second quarter and thus in the entire first half of 2024 fell compared to the same period last year.

Due to restructuring and staff cuts, many customers lack the resources and organization to implement the projects. This is currently causing project delays of up to 18 months, despite high demand.

Sales growth was achieved in the Network Services and Engineering & Managed Supply business segments and thus in services in Europe as well as in the Americas market segment with Mexico.

The operating result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to 2.072 EUR mn in the first half of the year, compared to 5.379 mn EUR in the same period previous year.

The order backlog continued to rise in the first half of the year and totalled 49.9 mn EUR as of June 30, 2024. At the end of 2023 order backlog was 32.6 mn EUR.

Political uncertainty and the overall economic situation are leading to a slow implementation of network expansion projects despite pressure for innovation and efficiency. Despite these challenges, the forecast sales were achieved in the first half of the year. Given the economic circumstances, there is little predictability in customer behavior. This makes it difficult to plan and implement projects on the one hand and to predict future business developments on the other.

With the market situation, a decline in sales of around 10% is currently being planned for the full year 2024. “Market visibility is currently low. Detailed forecasts are challenging despite record project volumes and increasing demand, especially for the expansion of critical infrastructure as a reliable European supplier. We are expanding the Network Services segment and bringing new products with a focus on network security and increased transmission speeds to market under consistent cost discipline,” says CEO Werner Neubauer. “The successful start-up of the Carbon Capturing & Bio-Energy division in the area of sustainability opens up further sources of revenue and sales growth.”

The reported figures refer to the COMMUNICATION NETWORKS division and do not yet include figures from the CARBON CAPTURING & BIO-ENERGY division, as this division is not yet included in the scope of consolidation in the first half of the year.

The CARBON CAPTURING & BIO-ENERGY division will generate revenues of around 1.5 mn EUR in the current 2024 financial year and will continue to grow.

Further information and financial figures can be found in the aconnic half-year report 2024, the full report is scheduled to be published on October 31, 2024.


About aconnic AG

aconnic AG is an international technology supplier and network equipment provider based in Munich. aconnic AG enables the construction and operation of high-performance gigabit networks with key focus on network security, energy efficiency and sustainability as well as technologies and products for customers to achieve climate neutrality through carbon capturing and bioenergy. Systems with hard-, software and services are used by customers such as Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telecom Italia, Swisscom, A1 Telekom Austria, and América Móvil. aconnic AG is the only international system supplier for critical communication infrastructure with European research, development, production and supply chain, as well as its headquarters in Germany, contributing to the strategic and technological autonomy of Europe. aconnic AG has been listed on the German stock exchange since 2006 and generated a revenue of ca. 73 mn EUR in 2023, with a growth of around 45 %.



aconnic AG
D-80992 Munich, Riesstraße 16
Sebastian Schubert, Investor Relations
Phone: + 49 89 3 8998 7770
Email: investor@aconnic.com