In October 2019 the main internet connection at the aconnic’s headquarter in Hartmannsdorf had been upgraded from 100Mbps to 1Gbps. For the restructuring process the network operator chose, among others, a company-own aconnic product: the BIG 2862.

Since then the device has been in continuous operation, allowing aconnic to collect product- and installation-related information under real field conditions. “These experiences help us to improve our devices continuously and will create an additional value for our customers in future”, say the engineers from the IT department.
Other company departments also appreciate this infrastructure upgrade. “Many working processes are now cloud-based and require higher bit rates. Working has become much easier even since”, the teammates from Marketing and Back Office confirm.

Based on the device setup, which provide not only SHDSL and VDSL2 but also fiber, aconnic is now not only able to characterize the BIG 2862 as a solution option for any customer’s requirement from a supplier’s view but also from the point of an end consumer – a customer reference of another kind.