Jessica has been working as an online marketing manager at aconnic since midMarch. After and during her master’s degree in digital media and communication cultures, she gained professional experience in advertising agencies, the press and in the fitness industry. “Online marketing in the telecommunications sector is an entirely new area for me. I am very excited about what to expect and look forward to new tasks and projects.”

Entry into the company was very special for Jessica and the entire team. Her first day at work coincided with the beginning of measures and restrictions to contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That meant, among other things: social distancing and training period via web calls. “Up to now I have seen most of my new colleagues only virtually. But I think that just this extraordinary situation is what really binds us all together. I have never felt that I was alone so far. Thanks to the modern, well-developed infrastructure and many different communication and working channels, it is no problem holding web meetings, working on projects together and conducting spontaneous video calls.”
Even without direct physical contact, Jessica quickly found a direct line to her colleagues: “I felt very comfortable here from the very beginning. Despite of the social restrictions, you somehow get to know each other personally, only in a slightly different way .” In particular between her and her teammate and online marketing manager Lisa the chemistry was right from the start: “We are on the same wavelength in many areas and we’ll definitely implement some great projects for sure.“

From the beginning of her academic career Jessica had known that she would like to specialize in marketing for companies once, especially in the field of online marketing. At aconnic she mainly deals with planning and implementing online campaigns, internal communication, as well as online and social media marketing. What she particularly appreciates about her work is the combination of conceptual and creative working: “I love developing concepts from scratch, thinking them through, planning, testing different approaches and observing the results. It’s great when you see that an idea works or when unexpectedly new influencing factors and characteristics emerge to which you have to adapt for reaching a specific goal. That makes work exciting and varied.”

What else is Jessica doing besides video calls and online marketing? “If only I could sum it up in a few lines, but I’ll give it a try”, she laughs. “I draw, preferably in a photo-realistic way. The challenge of difficult motives and the necessary concentration calm me immensely. But after work I usually prefer to go outside or do sports at first. I also like to experiment in photography, in editing images or when baking. And I love and collect everything that has to do with pineapples. There is at least one in each room.”

So if there is a pineapple hiding in upcoming postings from time to time, it can be assumed that Jessica was involved in the implementation.