Our product line manager about the creation process of the ACCEED 3102

A few weeks ago we announced the launch of our new Carrier Ethernet network demarcation device ACCEED 3102. Many months of development and testing were already behind us at this point. We talked to our responsible Product Line Manager about this time and together we took a look at the processes behind the creation process:

The ACCEED 3102 is a Carrier Ethernet Customer Premises Equipment and enables data transmission for 2 wire pairs VDSL2 lines. It thus supports high-speed Carrier Ethernet services via bonded copper wire pairs in connection with MSAN / DSLAM. Comprehensive traffic management at the user network interfaces (UNI) and integrated E1-CES interworking functions also enable the implementation of high-revenue services on every broadband platform. There was a long way to go in completing this new device model. How did the development process of the ACCEED 3102 work in detail and what challenges did we have to face?
At aconnic we have been supplying our customers with copper solutions for a long time. Until now our focus was on SHDSL, since it provides end customers with the best quality of service and with symmetrical bandwidth, both of which are considered key factors for business services. Furthermore, such technologies are often used bonding the wire pairs and in conjunction with SHDSL line repeaters, allowing communication service providers (CSP) to offer broadband services to end customers that are far away from the central offices.
In the recent years the introduction of VDSL2 35b profile and bonding in conjunction with the investments done by the CSPs to deploy FTTC and FTTB infrastructures, made VDSL2 suitable for business services. In this scenario we conceived the ACCEED 3102: a new VDSL2 bonded ethernet demarcation device that was developed using our deep know-how in the business access networks to satisfy the needs of the most demanding business customers.
The project was challenging, because the asymmetrical DSL technologies are generally more focused on residential users. We faced several challenges to reach the quality level we expected for a carrier grade product and we needed to bring in all our expertise to overcome them. A lot of effort, indeed, but well spent. Because the result is the ACCEED 3102, a VDSL2 Carrier Ethernet Demarcation device ready to satisfy the most demanding needs.

As you have already mentioned, network operators are placing more and more emphasis on expanding fiber optic connections. Why did we still decide to develop a product that would enable higher bandwidth over copper and not just focus directly on fiber optic devices?
We have a broad product portfolio, which already allows our customers to offer carrier grade services over fiber and copper. Before the launch of the ACCEED 3102, our customers could decide either to deliver high bandwidth services over fiber, where fiber is deployed, or to exploit the copper with SHDSL, reaching either longer distances or higher bandwidth in the short loop. In the latter case, often our customers face some deployment issues when the same copper cable is used to serve both residential and business services, where ADSL, VDSL and SHDSL are interfering with each other. It becomes clear that exploiting copper with VDSL2 is the best solution to offer high bandwidth services when fiber is not available.
We strongly think that ACCEED 3102 is the perfect product in a scenario in which CSPs are continuing to deploy fiber and in which fiber will be everywhere soon. In fact, ACCEED 3102 is not only a VDSL2 demarcation device, but it is also an optical demarcation device, thanks to its two fiber optical interfaces, which can be used either as uplink to the network or as customer ports. This means that if the fiber is deployed after the installation of the ACCEED 3102, then the end customer will have the possibility to activate a fiber connection without changing the demarcation device.

So the ACCEED 3102 is primarily suitable for customers who depend on high bandwidths but do not yet have a good connection to the fiber optic network?
Exactly. As said, ACCEED 3102 is designed for business customers, such as banks and companies, and for wholesale applications, where there is demand for high bandwidth and high quality services, but the fiber is not yet deployed.

And how did the market react to the product launch? What assessment do we draw after the first few weeks?
There was great interest for the product on the market. We got the first order immediately after the release of the product. Now we are busy in demonstrations, proofs of concept and product homologations in several countries. We expect that in 2021 the ACCEED 3102 will be deployed by some of our big customers to deliver wholesale and business retail services in their networks.

You want to get more details about the ACCEED 3000 series? Just have a look at our YouTube channel!