Christopher is 24 years old and completed his training as an electronics technician for devices and systems at aconnic in August 2020. He had previously successfully completed his high school diploma and then started studying computer engineering. However, he quickly realized that he missed the practical tasks there and decided to do an apprenticeship instead. With an one-week internship, Christopher found his way to aconnic and later started his training at the company location in Hartmannsdorf. To us he talked about his career from a trainee to a fully trained test technician.

“I’ve always been interested in technical things. I wanted to know how everything is related and how it works. The training as a technician therefore seemed ideal to me.” In September 2017 he started this with us and is now employed as a test technician. “In my job I can do exactly what I always imagined: half of my work is theoretical and the other half is very practical”, continues Christopher. When asked what that means exactly and how we can imagine his day-to-day work in detail, he replies: “The theoretical tasks largely consist of collecting information in order to use it to write work instructions for our employees in the test field. It becomes practical when I set about rebuilding and setting up the test equipment that will be used.”
In this respect, his training was designed in a similar way to his everyday work, he continues. While a lot of theoretical knowledge was imparted in the first year of training in order to acquire the basics, this could also be implemented more and more frequently in the further course of the apprenticeship. “Our trainer supported us a lot and introduced us to the topics with exercises and projects. In addition, it was a great advantage to be able to go through the various departments in your own company. Even if not all of them are directly related to my teaching content, I have learned a lot and been able to familiarize myself intensively with the internal company processes.”
But for Christopher, however, there was one thing he never questioned while getting to know the other areas of the company: he enjoys working as a test technician the most. “I love the challenges that arise with the technologies in the test field. Errors can occur from time to time, for example in the process of creating circuit boards. It is then up to me to locate these errors and work out how they can be remedied. So I can always bring in my own ideas and actively help to solve problems”, he says happily.

When he took over at aconnic after completing his apprenticeship, a wish came true for him: “Test technicians are not sought very often and it’s great that I was not only able to find a job directly, but that I am also allowed to work for a company that I know and in which I feel good.” When asked what he looks forward to most on his way to work in the morning, he finally replies: “The uncertainty. Every day I am faced with new challenges and a day rarely follows the same pattern. I like this very much!”