Christiane is a working student of the HR department at aconnic. Beside her training in the tourism industry, she has been active in various fields of activity, among them are positions in marketing departments as well as municipal administrations. By visiting the career fair at the city of Chemnitz, she got aware of our company and applied for a position. We asked her some questions to get some information about her and her time at aconnic.

What are you studying right now?
Since 2018 I am studying „Management and Organization Studies“ at the Technical University of Chemnitz with the goal of getting the master degree. It used to be very stressful at the beginning, because I was still busy with my bachelor thesis of psychology. During my undergraduate studies I already knew that I wanted to head towards the direction of economy. The subject areas of my new courses were mindsetting and therefore attracted me towards a position at the HR-Department.

Why have you decided to go for a job beside having your everyday life of a student?
After finishing my training at the tourism industry, I was already looking for new challenges to take on. So, when I started to study, I already knew that I still want to work beside taking my courses. Of course, the financial aspect played a role, because the possibilities of earning money as a full-time student are very limited. Yet it was the seek for new experiences which kept me going. Working as a part-time working student at the HR department gives me the possibility to gather new experiences that are also helping me with my study. Therefore, a win-win situation.

Why did you choose aconnic and what are your current experiences at the company?
As I already said, I wanted to pursue some activity. Therefore, I grabbed the possibility at the career fair to actively search for a new job at any HR department. It was during this fair when I got in touch with aconnic. It was quite important for me to find a job and still have my university close by.

As I used to be active in the tourism industry, in a rather small company to be exact, the possibilities were limited. Here at aconnic this is another story. It used to be quite a challenge in the beginning to see who belongs where but as time passes one learns quite a few things about the employees. Meanwhile, I have made some experiences and since this August I am also responsible for looking after the trainees. A task that I am very thankful for because I simply enjoy working with people.

Currently you are active at our HR department. How does your daily working routine look like?
There are many projects underway, which could be quite important for the future. We are currently working at personnel development topics, so we are taking care for an even better employee bonding. It is important that our coworkers feel well and enjoy going to work. Then there are topics like recruiting, where we usually visit fairs in order to find possible applicants. Unfortunately, the current Corona crisis has taken away many of these conventional methods. That’s why we are looking for new solutions – especially in the digital area.

Do you have any suggestions for other students currently thinking about doing a secondary activity?
Yes of course. Working beside your study demands a lot of discipline, which is not always that easy. But if one has the interest in having some kind of responsibility, I think this is a great offer to gather new experiences. So instead of working as a waiter for example, maybe just take the time to look around consciously and future-oriented. It is important to collect new experiences, even if one realizes that working in that certain field might not be one’s case. At least one can take a new look around and search for new challenges.