• Consolidated revenues of 47.635 mn EUR
  • EBITDA amounts to 1.784 mn EUR
  • Cash flow from operating activities amounts to 1.890 mn EUR
  • UET convenes annual shareholder meeting on August 22nd 2018

UET United Electronic Technology AG (ISIN: DE000A0LBKW6), Eschborn, releases its financial results for the fiscal year 2017.

Consolidated revenues of the UET Group were 47.635 mn EUR in 2017 (previous year: 60.611 mn EUR). The decrease was primarily influenced by the divestment of one of the operating organisations from the MANUFACTURING area in March 2017 as well as from a sales decline in the business area SYSTEMS due to some delayed network expansions programs.

For the fiscal year 2017, the UET Group reports an operational EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) of 1.784 mn EUR. Compared with the previous year, which contained extraordinary effects from the re-purchase of share-holder loans in the amount of 6.877 mn EUR, the operating EBITDA increased by 3.179 mn EUR.

The earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) amounted to –0.270 mn EUR. The consolidated loss including consolidation effects totaled to -1.806 mn EUR.

Considering and eliminating one-time effects from the year 2016, all operational earning results increased.

Under consideration of the existing minority interests for the consolidated result, the attributable result per share to shareholders is -0.18 EUR for the fiscal year 2017 (previous year: 0.25 EUR).

Cash Flow from operating activities was positive and amounted to 1.890 mn EUR in 2017 (previous year: 2.287 mn EUR).

Cash and cash equivalents in the Group amounted to 2.518 mn EUR as of December 31st 2017 (previous year: 0.744 mn EUR).

The annual general shareholder meeting will take place as scheduled on August 22nd 2018 in Eschborn. The invitation including the agenda will be released until July 13th 2018, in the German Bundesanzeiger.

The annual report and the annual group report 2017 (German version only) will be released on the company’s website (www.uet-group.com) under Investor Relations/Financial as of today.

The invitation including the agenda for the annual shareholder meeting will be available for download from the company’s website under Investor Relations/Annual Meeting until July 13th 2018.



UET United Electronic Technology AG
Frankfurter Straße 80-82
D-65760 Eschborn

Sebastian Schubert
Investor Relations
Tel: + 49 (0) 6196 777755-0
E-Mail: investor@uet-group.com